AI virtual assistants

Revolution in HR Workplace

Ever imagined how to empower the productivity hike in the employees with efficient assistance at no additional cost?
It’s not a rocket science as today’s Chat Bots and their pace is rapidly increasing with virtual assistants being adopted as a medium of conversation, this conversational commerce technique is a living reality

Artificial Intelligence driven assistants are paving a way and providing an interactive and conversational human like experience to the employee-driven environment in an organization. Imagine the gap being covered when HR works with HR Bots taking a step up towards enhancing their workflow

Due to the increasing workforce, corporates are aiming and reshaping themselves to a better work pattern highly derived with data and artificial intelligence, of which HR Bots are changing from being a necessity to an evolution..

So how does a Chatbots revolutionize HR’s workplace?
Here’s how –

  • It downloads the important documents of an employee which include: HR Policy, PF Withdraw Policy, PF Statements, Work from home Policy, Maternity Policy and other necessary documents.
  • Schedules meetings and sends reminders.
  • Manages clock in and clock out with application of On Duty and leave related tasks including; List of holidays, Leave cancellation, Leave Request & Leave balance.
  • Considers reported Incident or issues for example, desktop issue, lost ID card, network issues, outage issues or any other application issues.
  • Fills Time sheet for employees.
  • Provides location of nearest ATM, emergency assembly point, in-house clinic, creche point, gym location and many more
  • Gives you deliverable Status Reporting; mentioning if the task is delayed or in progress or if it is deferred.
  • Provides Latest News for HR Desk including company’s news bulletin and News from the CEO desk.
  • Makes rewards, recognition announcements and polling an easy and efficient task.
  • Broadcasts announcements from desk to the employees (Cerina Studio developed Chatbots support a feature to send push notifications for any major announcements).


This shows how Human Resources work. The patterns are evolving and making port with virtual assistants to get repetitive tasks completed. To be competitive it is a must to enter the environment of a bot platform that will provide you the necessary tools and expertise to develop

Cerina Studio is a platform that charts a path to connect intelligent, human – centric, futuristic technologies and interactive virtual assistants that help better engagement with employees and increase productivity. Get started & Request a Demo!

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